दैनिक प्रार्थना

हमारे मन में सबके प्रति प्रेम, सहानुभूति, मित्रता और शांतिपूर्वक साथ रहने का भाव हो.

Friday, July 06, 2007

They are Allah's criminals, will sure get hell

Those who kill fellow human beings in the name of Allah are criminals in the eyes of Allah. On the day of judgment they will sure be thrown into the fire of hell.

Who can say this? - "Kill those who have no faith in me." Allah or Shaitan? Allah is all loving. He has created human beings to love and not to hate. Even thinking in dreams that Allah wishes us to do this,is a crime against Him. Only a Shaitan can say this. Those who claim that are Allah's followers are in fact the followers of Shaitan.

We are all children of God. We perceive God as Allah, Jesus, Wahe Guru, Bhagwan, Buddha, Mahavira..... We try to reach Him in different ways as taught in our religions. There can be no cause for hatred amongst human beings. When He does not discriminate btween His chikldren then how can we discriminate?

Sab Ka Maalik ek hai. Love all , hate none.

Religious symbols, Left to right: Row 1. Christian, Jewish, Hindu    Row 2. Islamic, Buddhist, Shinto  Row 3. Sikh, Baha'i, Jain
Religious symbols, Left to right:
Row 1. Christian, Jewish, Hindu
Row 2. Islamic, Buddhist, Shinto
Row 3. Sikh, Baha'i, Jain

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love baba.i belive baba.